Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tainted Chinese Candy Warning!!

On more than one ocassion, my kids have come running home from the 'bakala' with some new sort of candy that thrills them. I specifically recall a few of those being made in China.

I was just reading on CNN that the Chinese government has shut down 180 food companies for possible contamination! There is defnitely Chinese candy in the Kuwaiti market. So, please be aware. Read all the labels for the food stuff that you eat and teach your kids to do the same.
The recent pet deaths in the USA were a direct result of contamination stemming from products purchased in China...
The full article is here:


Anonymous said...

Regarding the above comment, please note that *reading candy food labels may not be enough* - The recent findings of toxic or non-food substances etc. in Chinese food or many other products *were not listed* in the package!
So the best way to protect children (or anyeone else) for now may be to educate ourselves and consume only foods we know to be safe. It's hard on kids because they're attracted to the brilliant colours/shapes of those "candies" :-(

Anonymous said...

why not just quit buying stuff from china altogether?!?! seems like every time we turn around there's something that we have to take off the shelves that is made in china.

sports handicapping services said...

that delight