Literally, I am afraid. We went to my in-laws for lunch today. My son was out playing with his cousins and their ball went over a wall. My son leaped over the wall and lost his footing. He landed straight on his butt and fell on a piece of glass. By the time he made it into the house the whole back of his shorts were covered in blood.
My poor baby. I took him to the bathroom and was trying to see if the glass was still in there or what. Man, my family members (or rather my husband's) were pounding on the door. I was getting more irate by the minute. My son was is the bathroom with his entire rear end exposed. He would have been humiliated if I had opened the door! Ugh!
Finally, my brother-in-law grabbed him and took him to the ER. He just got home. No stictches thankfully and the glass is out. But they gave him antibiotics and meds. We have been planning to go to Entertainment City all week but looks like we are going to have to cancel. Ugh!
My son is 11 years old going on about 6. He is the sweetest boy in the World. However, we often butt heads. We have the same...and I mean exaclty the same...demeanor...Ugh & Lol!
Mayshoof shur
(Arabic expression that means hope your son avoids tragedies such as this)
subhan Allaah, I'm so glad he's okay. My son would have been MORTIFIED (and he's around the same age as yours) if he'd had ANY typically-covered part of his body exposed so I'm completely with you on this one - alhamdulillah he's okay though!
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