Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday Three

Answer these:

1. Do you think the U.S. is exggerating Kuwait's human trafficking record in a bid to punish the country for refusing to let anyone use Kuwait to launch an attack on Iran?

2. What are your plans for Friday?

3. Who do you think deserves to be the next U.S. President?


Anonymous said...

1) YES

2) Seaside(swimming & BBQ) & watch a movie

3) :s

Anonymous said...

1) no, modern day slavery flourishes here, and the ones to blame are both the locals selling iqama's and the unscrupulous manpower supply companies who half the time are from the ery countries of the people that they trafic in.

2) nuffin all day :D

3) no one deserves to be president but there is the age old saying that people deserve the leaders that they allow to lead them.