Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hey Tony....Good Riddance!!

I for one couldn't be more happy that Tony Blair resigned. Unfortunately, he resigned for all the wrong reasons. He should have resigned for the way he betrayed the British people by becoming Bush's puppet to do as his master commanded. And for dragging the British army into a war that was unwarranted and a war that has proven to be one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity that the World has ever witnessed.

The only reason he did resign was so that he could take a new job as the Envoy to the Mideast peace Quartet of mediators. Say what? Tony Blair is the last person that can achieve peace over here. I think a lot of people resent both Blair and Bush for the whole Iraq war fiasco and they should be resented. I think Ol' Tony should be put out to pasture where he belongs and someone like Jimmy Carter of even Bill Clinton should be hired as the new mideast peace envoy.

But when, in the history of mankind, have politicans ever listened to the needs of the people?

Democracy is---------------------> DEAD !!

Thursday Three !

Answer these:

1. What is the most agony you have ever suffered?

2. What would be the "perfect" gift?

3.If you had to pick one ...What would you say most describes you in high school ?

A... Wild child
B... Studious Student
C... Sports Jock
D... Class Leader
E... None of the above ( give your choice )

1. When I found out my grandmother had been murdered in 1999.
2. Diamonds
3. B. Studious Student

Daiso Face Mask: It Works!

I know it looks scary but I tried the Daiso Face Mask Sheet last night and it works!! My skin is super soft this morning. But I think I gave my kids nightmares last night.....!

South Korea: Chupa Chups Ad

This is a clever yet simple ad. However, if the readers don't know that Chupa Chups is a lollipop then they will be totally lost. Hmmmm....maybe they have a new FISH flavored lollipop?


Compelling Ad Campaign: The Netherlands

This is a very compelling ad campaign from the Netherlands. Proceeds from the ads will go directly to funding aid agencies in Africa. It makes you stop and think though...doesn't it?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tainted Chinese Candy Warning!!

On more than one ocassion, my kids have come running home from the 'bakala' with some new sort of candy that thrills them. I specifically recall a few of those being made in China.

I was just reading on CNN that the Chinese government has shut down 180 food companies for possible contamination! There is defnitely Chinese candy in the Kuwaiti market. So, please be aware. Read all the labels for the food stuff that you eat and teach your kids to do the same.
The recent pet deaths in the USA were a direct result of contamination stemming from products purchased in China...
The full article is here:

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kuwait Webcam

I never knew there was a webcam in Kuwait! I was searching the EarthCam site and found 1 website that features a webcam in Kuwait. Unfortunately it is not streaming video but rather a picture that updates every ten minutes. But, its still better than nothing. The picture on top is actually the Kuwait Towers but the dusty weather today is hiding them!

Kuwait WebCam----->

Got a bad job? German Print Ad

This is a print ad from Germany! Lol! I am surprised they don't have machines like this is Kuwait with poor expatriate workers stuck inside! Lol!

Baby Ronald McDonald - Japanese Print Ad

I love commercials and print ads. So, expect to see a lot more here. This one is from Japan and is showing a baby Ronald McDonald! Uber cute!

Behind Closed Doors...

I was stunned to see the grilling session in today's newspaper. I have a subscription to Kuwait Times and I really think they did a great job reporting the TRUE facts of the session which included the airing of a videotape that was shot in Japan where Kuwaiti oil ministers were shown partying with Japanese prostitutes.
The full story is here:
Now,surprisingly, ArabTime censored the story. It is here at the Arab Times website. They actually did not mention the prostitutes at all.
However, I did not see their paper..just their version of the truth online. Talk about censorship!!
I also saw a pic on the Arab Times website featuring the opposition laughing and smiling because they felt they had won something after the grilling. But there are no winners. Just imagine how the wives of the perverted ministers must feel today? And the facts of the ministers and the prostitutes they indulged in is a stain on the entire country not just on one political party.
I thought only politicians in the USA engaged in perversion and dereliction of duties but today I see that a lot of Kuwaiti politicians are just like their American counterparts! Ugh!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Homes R' Us - Blowout Sale!

Homes R' Us is another one of my favorite stores and it is located right by Daiso. I guess they are remodelling or perhaps moving the store, so everything is on sale!!
I mostly go to Homes R' Us for candles and potpourri. They have really high quality stuff. Normally the big pillar candles run for about 2 or 3 KD. They were all on sale last night for about 800fils each!! I bought tons and tons of candles. I also bought a couple baskets and bags of potpourri. Now all I have to do is dust my apartment and put all my new things out!

Hidden Dangers at IKEA..

Given that we were already in Shuwaikh, I suggested that we go and eat dinner at IKEA. I loooooooooove the food at IKEA. Seriously. It tastes homemade and it totally reminds me of my grandmother's cooking. My favorite is the swedish meatballs with potatoes and gravy.

After we ate, we decided to check out the sales. The kids picked out a few toys and we then went to the dishes section to buy some new glasses. Here is where the danger lies. First, even in the old IKEA, this section of the store has never had any visible staff around. I think they all hang out in the drapes/bedding sections to help customers with sizes, etc. But the dishes area needs the most attention given that there are knives and tons of glass around! I mean.........DUH!

So, the first incident came when my 2 year old ran ahead of me. I went to grab her and as I got closer to the place she was trying to run to, I finally saw what she was after. Someone had left a shiny and sharp knife out in the open on a low shelf. There was no cover on the knife. Apparently, someone had opened up the wooden holder that holds like 4 knives to inspect it. Then they just tossed it wherever. If I had not been right behind my daughter she could have stabbed herself, me or another customer. I looked, in vain, for an IKEA helper to complain to...but there was no one there!!!
I was pretty irate but went back to looking for glasses. And as you can guess the drama went on. I found some glasses I liked and picked up a box that had four glasses in it. I felt searing pain on my finger. And then the blood started gushing. Another idiot customer, I assume, had chipped the top of one of the glasses and that is exactly where I picked it up from. So, I had a big gash on my finger and as usual no IKEA helper to offer condolences or to even say sorry. Ugh! Luckily, I had an extra diaper in my purse and I wrapped my finger up with that. And I looked beyond stupid walking around the store with a diaper on my hand!

We finally got to the checkout area and I raced to the bathroom to wash my finger and wrap it in tissue. I wanted to find a manager to complain to but the checkout guy said we would have to wait for someone.

I wanted OUT of that I did not get a chance to complain.

So, if you go to IKEA....please be careful!!

Get lost in Daiso!

I went to Daiso in Shuwaikh last night and I was literally LOST in there! They have so much fun and cool stuff. I wanted to buy it ALL!! However, I noticed that the "Everything for 500 fils" sign was no where to be seen. And a lot of things I picked up had 2 and 3 KD price tags! Good grief!

I did get a LOT of neat things. I bought some paper lanterns to hang in the kids room. And I bought some teeny tiny square-shaped Japanese dishes. My kids insisted upon buying chopsticks. My son is like, " I want to practice!". Lol...I let them buy the chopsticks and am going to make rice for lunch today and giggle while they try to eat it!!

And I got some really "grippy" french hair clips. I normally buy the cheap 100 fils ones but the ones at Daiso really hold your hair in place. And they have loads of 'bling'...rhinestones and pearls.

The coolest thing I got was a paper/foam face mask that you literally stick on your face! The eye and mouth area is cut out. I guess the clay mask must be stuck on the other side. I am afraid to try it for fear of either a break out or that it might not come off! Lol! I am going to stick it on my face TONIGHT and do my best Jason (Friday the 13th movies) and terrorize my kids!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Dizzy in Kuwait!

I'm guessing it's due to the extremely hot sun in the summer, but every year around this time I suffer from extreme dizziness and low blood pressure. I wonder if any other expatriates experience this?

A few years ago, it got so bad while I was at my mother-in-laws home. Luckily, her Indian maid (who is in her 60's) came to my rescue. Of course I thought she was crazy but her home remedy worked.

You squeeze the juice of 2 lemons into a glass. Add 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix and fill the glass the rest of the way with cold water. It is like a salty/sour lemonade. Drink it immediately.

For me, after 20 minutes I usually come back to my senses and the dizziness always goes away. I just drank some of it now and it worked again!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Update on Jessie Davis

The plot thickens....

According to CNN a newborn baby girl whose umbilical cord was tied off with a rubber band was left on a nurse's doorstep. The hous is only 45 miles away from Jessie's house.

I totally think either the husband (who is a cop) or his estranged wife are invloved.

And her son keeps making strang statements like "Momma broke the table" or "Momma is in the rug". Scary!

Someone is lying. I hope this woman is still alive.

I really followed the Lacie Peterson case up until the end when her husband Scott was convicted of killing her and her unborn child.

This is SO similar. Anyone else follow crimes outside of Kuwait??

It's a Haagen-Dazs Day!

Yum! It is totally a Haagen Dazs day! It is so hot outside and I am suffering from low blood pressure which I always get around this time of year. So, while I would normally be exercising, drinking lemon water and eating fruit right about now- I took the day off and polished off the rest (exaclty 250ml) of a 500ml tub of Haagen-Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream.
Luckily for me my local cooperative society carries it. So, when I send my husband to get diapers he always picks up some Haagen-Dazs.

No wonder I have so much weight to lose!!!


I seriously choked this morning when I opened up my morning newspaper and was met with a picture of the Hooters girls on the front page! Ugh!
Apparently, a Kuwaiti businessman is opening up a Hooters in Dubai and plans to open more in the region.
It just really incenses me that no one in this region shows any orginality, vision or foresight when it comes to opening up new businesses/touristic ventures in the Middle East. They import everything from the US and are pretty much a bunch of "wanna-bes".
I think the Middle East has so much more to offer than just becoming a clone of the US. And I don't think tourists leave their homelands so they can step into another country that mirrors their own.
And I seriously wonder if the Dubai Hooters will require that their waitresses wear the same outfit which is pretty much orange hotpant and a t-shirt that is cut, twisted and tied tightly in the back to reveal the bosom.
My cousin Chastity (real was a Hooters girl in the early 1990's. I was thankfully in college. Anyway, she called all of the female cousins to brag that she was a Hooter's girl and was going to be featured on a billboard etc. However, her 15 minutes of fame did not last long. She gained like 15lbs. during a health crisis and they fired her because she did not look as good in the uniform! Ugh!
Let's boycott Hooters!!! Lol!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pain, Pain, Pain!

Despite the very hot weather, I am still keeping up with my daily exercise and am already seeing changes. But the pain is awful. Every morning, getting out of bed is so hard. I walk crooked for the first few minutes until my muscles warm up.
The step machine is AWESOME but I know that is why I have so much pain. It is really strenuous. Ugh!
I need Panadol! I actually have a few tubes of sports cream but when I read about the girl in the USA who died from using sports cream I am afraid to use it. Although, it has been reported she overused the cream by applying it to bandages and sticking them all over her legs.
A great remedey for exercise pain is to take a bath with Epsom Salts, but like my kids will give me a break to go soak in the tub? Hmmmm....maybe I will bribe them with chocolate or something and sneak away!

Cucumber Flavored Pepsi - Yum?

Ewwwwwwwwww...........I think this is gross and I hope it NEVER comes to Kuwait! The Japanese Pepsi Co. launched a new summer time drink- cucumber flavored Pepsi! Ugh! Would you ever try this in a million years?? Apparently, it is flying off the shelves in Japan. Go figure!

Another Lacie Peterson?

I was just reading CNN and came across this very sad story. I hope they find her alive. I am thinking maybe the father's "estranged wife" could be the culprit??? I feel bad for the 2 year old who must have seen it all. He said his mother was "in the floor". Read full story below:

NORTH CANTON, Ohio (AP) -- A pregnant woman vanished last week, leaving her 2-year-old son home alone, with furniture in disarray and bleach poured on the floor.
Jessie Davis, 26, was last heard from when she spoke to her mother, Patricia Porter, by phone on Wednesday. Davis is nine months pregnant.
"There's no suspects at this time. We're interviewing a lot of people, but no suspects at this time," Capt. Gary Shankle of the Stark County sheriff's office said Monday on CBS News' "The Early Show."
"Everybody in the investigation so far has cooperated fully with us," he said. Among those cooperating was Canton Police patrolman Bobby Cutts Jr., the father of Davis' 2-year-old son, Blake, and of Davis' unborn baby, Shankle said. Cutts' estranged wife also has cooperated, Shankle said.
Porter said that when she didn't hear from her daughter all day Thursday, she went to check on her Friday morning at her home near North Canton and found Blake home alone with a dirty diaper. (
Watch mother make plea for daughter's safe return )
"That was really out of character. The smell in the house was really overwhelming," Porter said Monday on "The Early Show."
She said the mattress in Davis' bedroom upstairs was partially off the bed, a night stand and lamp had been knocked over and bleach had been poured on the floor.
Blake was rambling and crying, and said "Mommy's in the rug," Porter said. There was no immediate explanation for his statement.
Neighbors reported they had not noticed anything suspicious, said Chief Deputy Rick Perez.
Authorities searched the area using dogs on Saturday, and on Sunday they were joined by of about 60 volunteers, including Cutts, Davis' relatives, friends and neighbors.
North Canton is south of Cleveland in northeastern Ohio. In 2000, in nearby Ravenna, a pregnant woman was killed and her baby was cut out by a woman who had claimed she was pregnant and took the victim's baby as her own. She killed herself five days later.

4 Things About Me........

**Things you may not have known about me.....
**Four jobs I have had in my life
1) Line Cook for a steak and salad restaurant
2) Receptionist Comissioner's Office
3) Intern at Public Defender's Office- interviewed murderers and rapists so that they could receive free legal counsel. Ugh!
4) Finisher at a donut shop - I know how the jelly gets into the donut!!
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1) My Best Friends Wedding
2) Miss Congeality
3) FaceOff
4) Matrix
Four places I have lived:
1) Fairfield, Connecticut
2) Uniontown, Pennsylvania
3) Salem, West Virginia
4) Kuwait
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1) Desperate Housewives
2) Prison Break
3) Lost
4) Missing
Four places you have been on vacation:
1) Las Vegas - Nevada
2) Orlando - Florida
3) Hollywood - California
4) Pakistan
Websites you visit daily:
1) Cnn
2) X17
3) Google
4) IslamiCity
4 of my Favourite foods
1) Macaroni & Cheese
2) Gyros (do they sell these in Kuwait?)
3) Pizza
4) Curry

Four places I would rather be right now:
1) Sleeping
2) Eating breakfast at McDonald's :-(
3) With my friends
4) SHOPPING !!!!!!!!
**Share your answers in the comment section! Copy/Paste...delete my answers and add yours!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Titanic Mall & Fuddrucker's

I had a meeting today with a local printer to finalize the details for a business venture I am launching. All will be revealed soon!

Afterwards, we headed to Hawally to 'Titanic Mall' or at least I think that is the name. It is my favorite mall in Kuwait. It is not so big and imposing and I love the nautical theme. We ate a Fuddrucker's and the food was awesome! I ordered a chicken fajita salad and chicken fingers platter. The kids all got mini-burger meals. We wanted to catch the new Fantastic Four movie at the theatre but by the time we finished eating it had already perhaps next week we can go. Hey we got a free piece of cheesecake with my husband's buffalo sandwhich meal! I love freebies!

I am super pysched because I stopped at the newsstand and bought the latest issues of Glamour, Allure, People...I spent like 10 KD on mags and coloring books for my kids.

So, I am going to spend the rest of the night reading my mags and watching TV. What else is there to do anyway?? It is too hot to breathe outside! Ugh! I miss winter!

My Favorite Show: Desperate Housewives

I don't have ShowTime so I am just jumping on the Desperate Housewives bandwagon courtesy of MBC4. It starts everyday at 8pm and is really awesome!! My favorite character is Bree Van De Kamp. I cannot explain why but I love her character!
Anyone else love DH ??

Unexpected Guests!!

I was all set to sit back in the AC today and blog like a mad woman. The kids were busy and I was just signing into my blog when.............the doorbell rang! I immediately shushed the kids and hoped to fake like we were not home. But my daughter threw a toy right at the door. So, the jig was up. Turns out my sister-in-law stopped by with her kids. My apartment was a MESS and I had nothing cold to drink at all. I invited her in while secretly gritting my teeth all the way.

I hate unexpected guests. Whenever my apartemnt is clean no one shows up. But the one day I decide to let it be gross and let it all hang out..someone comes over! Ugh!

I tried not to freak out too much. I sent my son to the bakala to buy juice and some fruit (apples, bananas, and oranges) I made a quick fruit salad and served the juice over crushed ice in pretty glasses. It was a hit.

She only stayed for a couple hours and I am sure she well let all my in-laws know how messy my apartment was. But what the is boiling outside and the last thing I want to do is clean! Ugh!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Entertainment City!

We went to Entertainment City on Friday and it was so fun! The place was deserted due to all the dusty and hot weather. But it was a hard trip especially with 3 kids!
It took us over an hour to drive there because my husband kept getting lost. Once there, it was really hard to navigate through the rides due to the heat. It was awful and the last place I wanted to be. But I wanted my kids to have a fun time so I suffered for them.
We rode the rollercoaster like 3 times in a row and the water know the round raft thing. I cannot remember the name for the life of me. It felt good getting a little bit wet!
Finally, after about 2 hours we were boiling and ran for the car!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday Three

Answer these:

1. Do you think the U.S. is exggerating Kuwait's human trafficking record in a bid to punish the country for refusing to let anyone use Kuwait to launch an attack on Iran?

2. What are your plans for Friday?

3. Who do you think deserves to be the next U.S. President?

Herbal Essence - Hawaiian Hibiscus

I ran out of my Silvikrin Cactus Shampoo so my husband picked up the latest scent out from Herbal Essence (not the picture above). The new scent is called "Hawaiian Hibiscus" and it is BLUE. It smells SO awesome! Let me know if anyone tries it!

My Step Machine

They finally delivered the new step machine and it is awesome!! I love it! I have been using it all week. My workout is now a full hour every day.
I do 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on my bike, and 20 minutes on the step machine (20 Minutes = 500 steps). By the time I am done my clothes are soaked with sweat and my face is blood red. But its totally worth it!
The only problem I have now is that I strained my right wrist which is the worst thing that could happen. I have several deadlines that I am trying to meet and typing is so freakin' painful!

I'm Finally Back..........

Well the mystery of the power shortages in my area was finally solved. Turns out a crew has been working on the power lines all week. So, they have been turning the electric off for the whole block for several hours a day each week. I just cannot imagine why they would choose the scalding hot summer months to make repairs? Couldn't they have repaired the lines during the freezing winter months or were they too busy drinking tea??
I am majorly peeved. As a result of the power shortages I am behind on several deadlines and have shelled out a lot of cash eating out in local places. Ugh!
I cannot even believe planned power shortages are to commence on Saturday. This is ridiculous!
I think whomever is wasting power should definitely face cuts. But those of us who try to conserve power as a way of life should not face cuts.

Personally, I leave the lights off all day long. I will light a couple of small candles in the living room as the sun starts to fade. I will even cook in the kitchen by the light of the window without even bothering to turn on the switch. And although I have 3 window AC's I never turn on all 3 at once. Typically, the one in my living room is on almost all day because that's where the kids spend the bulk of their day. But when they decide to play in their room I turn off the one in the living room and let them use the one in their room. My whole day consists of making sure the lights are off and moving from AC to AC.........Ugh!
On the bright side, all the sweating is good for weight loss! :-)

Monday, June 11, 2007

My Apologies...Technical Problems!

I have not been able to blog the last couple days. I have had electrical shortages, in my city, every day for the past 3 days! It's getting so bad that we are actually considering moving to another neighborhood.

This morning the electric went off at 7am. It still did not come on by 2pm. We were boiling hot. So, we piled into our car and sought shelter at Sharq Market. We ate lunch at Marina Thai. I stopped by The Body Shop and bought about 10KD worth of stuff including a honey/oat scrub mask and Papaya Lip Butter among other things.

We finally came home at about 4pm and thankfully the electric was back on.

So, I hope to start blogging regularly depending on the electrical situation AND I am already looking to buy a laptop..........

Sunday, June 10, 2007

At the beach..........

We spent all Friday at the beach. It was so hot and humid but the waves were awesome. Unfortunately, there was a lot of pollution in the water. So, it took us ages to find a patch of sand & surf with less debris and junk. The tide was very strong. So strong that I did not let my kids play in the water itself but I let them play where the waves meet the coastline. They had fun regardless. I must have lost at least 1 kilo sweating! But when the Sun finally went down there was an awesome breeze.

We left the beach and hit some of the sales on Salem Mubarak Street! This is my favorite place to shop. We ended up in the Orient Sports shop and they have so many shoes on sale!! Puma, Reebok, Skechers..etc. I ended up buying a pair of Reebok's for me. And I also got a pair of shoe for each one of my kids. I only paid 32KD for it all. AND I bought like 4 T-shirts for .650 fils each! I also went upstairs and they had a lot of exercise equipment on sale. I bought a step machine for 34KD down from 50KD. They just delivered it today. BUT the computer on it is not working so now they are going to bring a new one tomorrow and take the one I have back. However, I am still going to use it for my 6pm workout which starts once I finish blogging!!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Friday Funnies !!!!!!!

Scroll down to find some fun 'Friday Funnies' to get you through this hot summer day!! Enjoy!

Caption THIS!

For this game, you have to write a caption or basically what the photo is saying. Add your caption to the comments section and let's see who's the most creative!!


Me: "Hey look, there's Dick Cheney!! Fire!!"

Friday Toon !

Solve the Puzzle!

How long will it take YOU to solve this puzzle??

Click Here---->

**No registration required

**Post your high score

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Death & Destruction in Oman

I just cannot understand why the major news networks are 'whitewashing' the coverage out of Oman. There is NO coverage!! Thank goodness for Flickr. Check out member Adamisi's photo stream to see more of Cyclone Gonu's effect on Oman. It's tragic...12 people have been confirmed dead.

Thursday Three

Answer these 3 questions:

1.What sound or noise do you hate?

2.Numerology: reliable or just a load of bunk?

3.Do you think Princess Diana's final moments should be shown on TV?


Nails on are chalkboard
Load of bunk

Hell's Kitchen

I LOVE reality tv! My favorite show is just about over on MBC 4...Hell's Kitchen. I think the final will be in the next 2 weeks. Anyway, it's on Tuesday's at 10pm! There are only two contestants left...Heather & Virginia. I wonder who will win?
Oh and yeah I totally know that the show is in syndication on MBC4 which means the winner has already won probably a couple years ago. BUT I am resisting 'Googling' to find out the winner...and am just gonna wait it out!
Any other HK fans????????????????

Finding Gray M&M's !!

Every since my kids saw the commerical about winning 500,000SR if you find a bag of ALL gray M&M's it has been ON ! My two oldest have been spending all their pocket money buying bags of M&M's and shriek when they keep getting ALL the colors! Thanks Mars Co. for not only whipping my kids into a frenzy but also jacking them up on sugar!

Ugh! I am now hoarding the M&M's in a large jar and rationing them out! lol........

Broken Glass Breakfast

Ok, it's not really broken glass but rather 'broken glass jell-o'! I have already lost about 3 kilos. And I have done so by exercising every day and by completely cutting out sweets. Enter Jell-o. It has very few calories and totally serves as a great substitute for the Galaxy bars and cookies I use to eat just about every other day! Here's the recipe:

Broken Glass

1 3 ounce gelatin package each of cherry, lime and orange
3 cups boiling water
1 1/2 cups cold water
1 3 ounce package lemon gelatin
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup cold fresh lemonade
1 3/4 cups thawed non dairy whipped topping

A day before serving: Dissolve cherry gelatin in 1 cup boiling water. Repeat with the lemon and orange. Add 1/2 cold water to cherry gelatin. Repeat with the lemon and orange flavors. Pour each flavor into its own 8 inch square pan. Chill overnight. Early the day of serving: Dissolve lemon gelatin and sugar in 1 cup boiling water. Add lemonade. Chill until slightly thickened. Meanwhile cut cherry, lime and orange flavored gelatins into 1/2 inch cubes. Blend whipped topping into lemon gelatin. Fold in gelatin cubes. Pour into 9 inch tube pan or 8 cup mold. Chill for several hours until firm. Unmold and garnish with extra whipped topping and fresh mint leaves.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Meet Gonu!

This is an amazing & scary REAL picture of Gonu! From this most recent satellite image it looks like it is heading right into the Persian Gulf!

Will Cyclone Gonu Affect Kuwait?

Hey, I just found this graphic of Cyclone Gonu's projected path. It is expected to hit right inside the Persian Gulf. I wonder if or how that will affect Kuwait? Your thoughts?

Tropical Cyclone Gonu HITS Oman!

Now you would think that CNN and BBC would be covering this right? Well, they are not. I have been checking the news stations since last night and nothing. It really makes me angry. They will show footage about their own Hurricanes in the USA non-stop for months on end (Hurricane Katrina is STILL in the news!) but when a freakin' cyclone which is more deadly than a Hurricane rolls into our neck of the woods it is a total white coverage! And the low lying areas of Oman make it a prime candidate for destruction and mayhem. Here is what I found online about Cyclone Gonu:

The government of Oman declared a state of emergency as the country was hit today by the Tropical Cyclone Gonu, a tropical storm that has now reached a category 5 danger status. The storm is expected to run across the coast of the country over a period of three days. The Royal Oman Police has been making continuous announcements over TV and radio on how to deal with the crisis. ROP reported that they have evacuated the 7,000 residents of Mesirah Island, the first Omani state to be hit by the cyclone.
Though initially not taken seriously by many, the majority of the people are now seriously terrified as recent announcements state that the cyclone is moving towards the capital of the Oman, Muscat. Surprisingly, the Omani media has been doing a great job by proving coverage over TV and radio regarding the latest updates, but as the evening approaches now approaches, everything seems to cool down. OmanTV is now showing a drama TV series as if nothing has happened, I do not have access to a radio right now to hear what’s going being broadcast there.
Blogger Sleepless in Muscat is keeping a constantly updated list of the major recent developments, these include airport and all commercial establishment closures. Sleepless also says that he will upload a video on the situation soon.
Another blog with excellent coverage is newsBriefsOman in which Sue posted several links to forecast resources illustrating the situation. However, she warns her readers saying:
[D]on’t be distracted by the forecast track of the centre of the storm. It’s the wind fields and the associated rain that you need to watch. At the moment, the forecast is that the area of intense wind and rain would take in all of northern Sharqiyah, the coast between Al Ashkhirah and Muscat and certainly as far inland as Nizwa.
Suburban posted a detailed survival guide sent to all employees of a certain Omani oil company. It is surely worth a read as she said:
This was forwarded to me by three different people who work for PDO, and I thought it was worth sharing. I think it’s worth noting that PDO deserves credit for disseminating clear, concise, and useful information at a time when it’s needed most. It’s one of the many good services that PDO provides for it’s staff and the community at large, the next time you see a PDO employee somewhere, tell them thank you.
There are no sources for instantaneous news updates regarding the cyclone in Oman. I think that visiting one of the Omani forums such as OmanForum and EnglishSabla can provide somewhat of a helpful guide on what is happening.

The Sultan Center's Monthly Contest - World Map

Kids, come and join the fun with our "World Map Contest".
Return your World Map Entries to any TSC service desk by Wednesday, June 27th. Correct answers will enter a draw for prizes.Rules: Contest is open to kids ages 8-14. Only one entry per child.
For more information, please call 4343155 ext. 514.
The Sultan Center has a monthly contest for kids. We have participated a few times. The past prizes are amazing!! Some were Huffy bikes, digital cameras and most recently portable Playstations!
If you have kids, this is definitely worth a shot! You have to print out the map and fill it in. Return to any Sultan Center in Kuwait!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

Vist Vegas's MGM Grand through this webcam:

I have visted Vegas twice. The first time was the Summer 0f 1990 which was my last year in high school. My grandmother had gotten some kind of special rate at a hotel there called "VegasWorld" and basically forced me to go. It was fun. The only downside is that my grandmother forgot about the time difference as we drove across the country (we started out in West Virginia and drove clear across to the West Coast). So, she was waking me up every morning at 5am because her watch (set on East Coast time) said it was 7 am! The pitch black mornings should have been a clue! Lol! We both finally caught on a couple days into the trip. It took us a full week of driving 700 miles a day to reach Vegas. We stayed for a week. My grandmother lost everything but the shirt on her then it took us another week to get home.

The 2nd time I visited was in 2002. We actually were driving to see my father in Seattle, WA. I have no idea how my husband and I did it, but we managed a fully drive from the US east coast to west coast and back again! And this was right after 9/11 and we were terrified of hate crimes since we are Muslim. But thankfully no one bothered us. And we met at least 6 Muslims on our journey across the US.

Ok back to Vegas....I actually was the one who decided to swing through Vegas which was not an easy feat with 2 small kids. Something my grandmother said to me on our trip has always stuck in my brain. She said that I would never be able to come on another Vegas road trip due to the time, planning and money it would cost. She said it in anger for whatever reason. So, I basically seized the opportunity to prove her wrong. And I did.

What To Do If You Knock Out a Tooth!

I have never seen anything like this for what to do in case you knock out a tooth. I think it apply's to kids only!

Roller Skate Shoes

I have been knocked almost down to the ground on a few occasions by kids in Kuwait who are wearing 'Heely's" or roller skate shoes. The ones they sell in the USA look like normal shoes. But the ones in Kuwait are downright ugly and look like 70's throwback platform shoes. My son has been begging for these for over a year now and I won't budge. I convinced him to buy a scooter bike, but he still wants these ugly shoes!!

Now I finally have some support against these shoes in a recent study that has proven that they are extremely dangerous.

The study was conducted in the USA and found that over a 10 week period (in a designated city) there were 67 incidents of injury. And a child actually died as a result of the shoes. Parents and kids alike view them as ordinary shoes but they are not. They are roller skates and the same safety gear that is worn when roller skating should also be worn when wearing Heely's. So, that means all kids should wear a helmet and knee& elbow pads.

The study also found that unlike typical roller skates, Heely's are actually really difficult to balance on and the majority of injuries occur in new users.

These shoes run about 2 or 3 KD in Kuwait. And they are not worth risking your child's health or safety.

Need 2 million dollars???

A British bookmaker, William Hill, has offered a $2 million reward for anyone providing concrete evidence about the existence of 'Nessie' aka 'The Loch Ness Monster'. Anyone wanting to spend their summer vacation in Scotland can take advantage of this opportunity and perhaps solve one of the greatest mysteries known to mankind!

Trip to the dentist...

I finally went to the dentist (Yiaco Appollo)yesterday and the result? I still have the same broken tooth. The only thing they did was charge me 10KD to open a file and another 7 KD to take an X-ray. Then, the doctor said that I need to see a specialist. She recommended another dental clinic. So, I was out 17KD and for nothing! I think she should have at least given me back my 10KD since she did not do any work at all.
As for the other clinic, I called this morning and the receptionist was extremely rude. I did find out that the charge to fix my tooth is double what it was at YA. So, I am on the lookout for a relatively inexpensive dental clinic that specializes in all aspects of tooth repair. I have heard Maidan Clinic is such a place and thier rate is under 200KD. Has anyone ever tried them??