Saturday, May 12, 2007

Slapped Over a TISSUE!

Last night I took my daughter to the bathroom and had a really awful encounter. When we entered the stench was overcoming. I went to grab tissues for my daughter to sit on (I am a germ freak) and the rolls were empty. So, I noticed a box of tissues sitting at the far end of the sink. I went to grab a couple and the psycho "bathroom" lady jumped up and started yelling at me in Arabic. Apparently, she OWNED the tissue box! Good Grief! So, I made a motion to give her back the tissues and she smacked my hand! I was beyond angry but tried to keep my cool. After all, I was alone with her in the bathroom and my 6 year old daughter was with me.
Anyway, the lessons I learned are:
A. Don't steal tissues
B. Learn a couple "choice" words in Arabic!


CyberRowdy(Q8TechDrive) said...

yeah! that kinda lunatics are there! stupid lady

Jewaira said...

Don't keep silent about this incident.

If it happened in a shopping mall, please be sure to file a complaint with the management.

ALl toilet facilities must be supplied with adequate hygienic products for customers.